N-COUNT 大亨;阔佬;大人物 If you refer to a businessman or politician as a fat cat, you are indicating that you disapprove of the way they use their wealth and power.
A fat cat got a red hat on its head. 肥猫头上带了一顶红色的帽子。
Fat cat is a colloquial way to describe someone who has a lot of wealth and power. FatCat是口语上用来描述那些拥有大量的财富和权力的人。
Goldman executives, especially those who had raised millions of dollars for Mr. Obama's election, said they were offended by the president's populist rhetoric, including his famous quip about 'fat cat bankers.' 高盛的高管们(特别是那些当年曾为奥巴马的竞选活动募集了数百万美元资金的人)说,他们反感奥巴马的民粹主义言论,包括那句有关肥猫银行家的著名俏皮话。
Our vet has been in practice for more than 40 years and he has never seen such a fat cat. Sprinkles was found in a foreclosed house before she was taken to New Jersey animal shelter who sent her to SOS. 我们的兽医工作了40多年,从来没有见过这么肥的猫,在被美国新泽西州动物收容所送到急救中心之前,斯普林克斯是在一个拍卖屋里被发现的。
I want to be a fat cat in the future. 我想将来成为一个有钱人。
I guess my only chance of being a fat cat is to win ten million dollars in the lottery. 我想我要成为有钱人的唯一机会就是中一张一千万美元的彩票。
My uncle is a fat cat. 我叔叔是一个大款。
The fat man in the black hat is a fat cat. 那个戴黑帽子的胖男人是个特别有钱的大亨。
After graduation he's become very successful and he's turned into a real fat cat. 毕业后,他很成功,变成一个非常有钱的人了。
There is a fat pregnant cat who sneaks into my garage. 有一只胖乎乎要下崽的猫躲进了我的车库。
The fat cat is going to eat the cake today. 今天肥猫想吃了袋子里的蛋糕。
There is the populist version: the fat cat sitting lazily on his yacht or Palm Beach, Fla., veranda. 是遭劳苦大众忿恨的形象:肥猫一只,懒懒地坐在游艇上或佛罗里达州棕榈滩的屋前廊下。
I can get my fix whenever the pang of envy occurs, then return home to my sleeping, boring, fat cat. 每次当我看到别人养狗心生妒忌时,我也能很快调整好心态,然后回家接着伺候我那只整天睡觉、无精打采的肥猫。
A fat cat is catching a bad rat. 一只肥猫抓住了一只坏老鼠。
At work, a greedy, lazy boss is a "fat cat". 在工作中,贪婪而懒惰的老板被称为“肥猫”。
A fat cat is a person with a lot of money. fatcat是指很有钱的人。
Where're those popular actresses in our school time? B: get into marriage. a: can everyone find a fat cat? B: everyone wants to, but not everyone succeeds. 咱们上学时的那些女影星都哪去了?乙:结婚了呗!甲:人人都能找到大款吗?乙:人人都想,可并不是人人都能找到。
A bad bat sat on a fat cat. 一只坏蝙蝠坐在一只肥猫上。
He is a fat cat now. 他现在是个有钱人。
The big fat cat steals delicious blueberry pies everyday. 大肥猫每天偷美味的蓝莓果馅饼。
On his way to the park, he met a big fat cat. 在他的途中对公园,他遇见了一只大肥胖猫。
He hit the big fat cat's head with the frying pan. 他看看煎锅,煎锅上有个猫头形状的印子!
Experiments in economic psychology have shown that most people would rather have no deal at all than accept a tiny gain while watching a fat cat guzzle the cream. 经济心理学的实验早已证明,多数人宁可不做交易,也不愿自己接受一个小小的好处,而让别人拿到大头。
Garfield is a selfish, lazy, and incredibly fat cat. 加菲猫是只自私又懒惰的超级大胖猫。
The big fat cat with the ugly grin ate the blueberry pie that Ed baked. 露出丑丑的笑容的大肥猫吃了埃德烤的蓝莓馅饼。
The fat cat died and left his son a big sum of money. 那个有钱人死后给他儿子留下大笔的钱。
A: Can everyone find a fat cat? 甲:人人都能找到大款吗?
The acrobat can turn a bat into a fat cat. 那个杂技演员能把蝙蝠变成肥猫。
There is no economic justification for the widening gap between fat cat salaries and benefits paid to top executives and earnings of ordinary workers, two reports say today. 去年年底有两份报告指出,向顶级高管支付的肥猫薪酬和福利与普通工人收入之间的差距日益加大,这种现象没有经济方面的正当理由。